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Castle Hills Primary Academy

Castle Hills Primary Academy

Miss McGinty (Y3)



Welcome back everyone!

I hope you have had a lovely summer holiday and feel ready to start your new class for the autumn term! I am really looking forward to getting to know you all and having a great year!

Our class text this term will be Harriet vs the Galaxy!

The intergalactic adventure starts at home with Harriet, who discovers that her hearing-aid can do more than she ever bargained for when she finds an alien in her room.

We will be using the skills we are going to learn to write a diary entry, a Persuasive letter and some Haiku poetry.


In maths, we will be looking at Place Value and Addition and Subtraction and starting our journey of recognising numbers to 1,000 and addition and subtraction of number to 1,000.

Our science topic is called Animals (Movement and nutrition).

Our P.E. day will be on a Monday. We will be learning how to play Tag Rugby.  Please make sure to come to school in your PE kit. Where possible, we will be moving our PE lessons outside, so please make sure you wear your outdoor kit!


Remember to make sure your homework is completed weekly alongside 5 reads per week, arrive in the correct PE kit and have an attendance of 96% or above to take part in our 'in it to win it'