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Castle Hills Primary Academy

Castle Hills Primary Academy

Miss Marshall (Y4/5)




We hope you have had a fantastic Christmas break and are looking forward to another term of exciting learning!

Our new book this half-term is Armstrong: The Adventurous Journey of a Mouse to the Moon by Torben Kulhmann


A long time ago, a mouse learned to fly . . . and crossed the Atlantic. But what happened next? Torben Kuhlmann's stunning new book transports readers to the moon and beyond! On the heels of Lindbergh: The Tale of a Flying Mouse comes Armstrong: A Mouse on the Moon, where dreams are determined only by the size of your imagination and the biggest innovators are the smallest of all.


This incredible story is inspired by the 1960s space race and will transport us amongst the stars and to the moon! We will be creating newspaper reports and writing our own biographies on real-life space heroes!

In maths, we will be looking at fractions, decimals and percentages. Our Year 4s have their Multiplication Tables Check this year, so we will also be practicing our times tables – make sure you’re also practicing at home on Times Tables Rockstars!

Our science topic for our Year 4s is states of matter where we will investigate solids, liquids and gases and how materials change their state. Our Year 5s will look at earth and space by finding out about our solar system and how scientists investigate space.

In history, our Year 4s will travel back in time to the ancient Egyptian civilisation, whilst our Year 5s have a look at what was happening elsewhere in the world at this time in the Maya civilisation. In geography, Year 4 will build on their knowledge of settlements and Year 5 will investigate just how extreme earth can be by looking at volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis and tornadoes.

In PE, we will be completing some floor-based gymnastics before learning how we can use fitness to stay healthy. Our PE day will be a Monday so please come to school in the correct PE kit on this day.

How can I help my child at home?

Make sure you read with your child at least 5 times per week.

Help your child to complete their weekly spelling and handwriting homework to develop key skills

Ensure your child completes 20 minutes of Times Tables Rockstars each week to develop fluency and accuracy. Our Year 4s will complete their Multiplication Tables Check this year, so please make sure you practice as much as possible.

Please make sure you complete your written and times tables homework weekly, five reads every week, arrive in the correct PE kit and have an attendance of 96% or above to be ‘In It To Win It’!

We are looking forward to a fantastic year together in 4/5M and we hope to continue to:                

   'Be the Best we can Be'!