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Castle Hills Primary Academy

Castle Hills Primary Academy

Mrs Price (Y1)




Welcome back, everyone! We hope you have had a lovely Christmas and that you’re looking forward to all the exciting things we have prepared for the spring term.


Our class book this half-term is ‘Listen’ by Shannon Stocker. It tells the inspirational story of a young girl who refuses to let her disability stand in the way of her dreams. There are lots of amazing writing opportunities, and we will be writing a character description, a non-chronological report and a diary entry. We will revisit the basic EGPS features we learnt in the autumn term, as well as introducing question marks, exclamation marks, expanded noun phrases and many more exciting features to help develop our writing skills!


This is a story of music.
Of obstacles.
Of strength and hard work.
Of all you can accomplish when you dream.

As a child, Evelyn Glennie's ears began to hurt. Voices became distant whispers. Ringing phones sounded like muffled crunches in her ears. But when she was told that she would need to wear hearing aids for the rest of her life, Evelyn was determined that this would never stop her from playing music. Instead of giving up on her dreams, Evelyn found new ways to listen...

In maths, we will be getting stuck into number and place value within 50, making groups and partitioning tens and ones, using number lines and estimating on them, and finding one more and one less. We will also look at length and height. We will be learning times tables for the first time and will be starting by counting in tens.

We will have some very exciting opportunities as we delve into our new history topic– Toys: Past and Present! We will be looking at toys from the Victorian Era right up to the toys we play with today. We will be using a wide range of sources to identify how and why these toys have changed, and making some predictions about how toys could look in the future.

 Pack a suitcase and make sure to include some summer clothes – in Geography we will transport ourselves to the city of Manaus in Brazil, learning all about the Amazon Rainforest. We will be comparing our lives in South Yorkshire to the people of South America, learning all about their beautiful culture.

Our science topic will see us exploring the senses and working scientifically to identify patterns in data. We will be considering how we use each sense and completing sensory tours to put our senses to the test!

In PE, we will be perfecting our gymnastic skills in floor-based activities and using equipment. Our P.E. day will continue to be a Monday, so make sure to wear the correct P.E. kit!


How can I help my child at home?

Make sure you read with your child at least 5 times per week.

Help your child to complete their weekly spelling and handwriting homework to develop key skills

Ensure your child completes their maths fluency activity every week.

Please make sure you complete your homework weekly, five reads every week, arrive in the correct PE kit and have an attendance of 96% or above to be ‘In It To Win It’!

We are looking forward to another fantastic term in 1P, and we hope to continue to:

'Be the Best we can Be'.