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Castle Hills Primary Academy

Castle Hills Primary Academy


Wherever possible, a child’s medication should be administered outside the course of the school day.  However, if the medication is prescribed by a doctor to be taken four times a day, and the timing of the medication is essential during the course of the school day, please complete an authorisation form from the office. The medication should be taken to the office and children should report there for the administration. Please note that we will do our utmost to administer the medication at the time instructed. However, if this is not possible due to circumstances outside our control, we will contact you to inform you of this. 

If your child has asthma, please supply appropriate medication which can remain in school at all times. You will also require an authorisation form from the office, in order for the medication to be administered during the school day. 

Parents of children who become unwell at school will be contacted.  It is the responsibility of parents to make arrangements for ill children to be collected from school and taken home, to the doctor or to the hospital.  It is important that school has access not only to home telephone numbers, but also work numbers and other emergency contact numbers such as those of relatives, and that these are correct and up to date.  We would be grateful, therefore, that you inform us if any of your contact details change.

If your child has a minor accident at school, we will add the details to Medical Tracker and you will receive an email to inform you of the injury, how it happened and what first aid (if any) was given. If the accident requires the child to be taken home, or to hospital, or involves an injury to the face or head, you will be contacted by phone. Up to date emergency contact details and telephone numbers are essential.

Please note that for policies on infections in school, we adhere to the Health Protection Agency guidance.

Diarrhoea / or Sickness

Diarrhoea is defined as 3 or more loose or runny stools in a 24 hour period.

If your child has diarrhoea and/or vomiting, they must be kept off school for 48 hours from the last episode of diarrhoea/ vomiting.

Since this ruling was introduced by the Health Protection Agency the spread of tummy bugs has been greatly reduced in schools.

Head lice

Head lice are not serious, but can be very annoying. Research has shown that infections of head lice occur just as often in school holidays as during term time. It is a community problem.

A routine of regularly wet combing everyone’s hair in the family, to check for lice, is advisable. You must only treat if live lice are found.

The DfEE/DoH guidelines state there is no need for a child who has head lice to stay away from school.

If you are at all worried about head lice or feel you need more advice on how to cope, then you should consult your school nurse, health visitor, pharmacist or family doctor.

Further Advice

For further advice on common illnesses and conditions, please click the following link below to be directed to the NHS website for guidance and advice: